Click on the "Browse" button and choose the subtitle file to analyze from your hard drive,
then click on "ANALYZE THIS !".

This script analyzes SRT subtitle files only, which can be exported from the dotsub interface.

The analysis of the subtitle file will provide you with the following information :

- Average number of words per minute throughout the video, and the kind of reading level required to read such subtitles. This should be considered as an approximation of the amount of text that's going to be read. The higher the value, the harder it's going to be to read the contents.

- List of strings that are displayed for shorter than 1.5 seconds

- List of strings that exceed the 70 character requirement

- List of timings where gaps between strings aren't set between 100 and 140ms

- List of strings that exceed 35 characters, but aren't displayed for more than 2 seconds

- List of strings that are displayed for more than 6 seconds

Two extra checkboxes allow the manipulation of the subtitle file :
- by adding a gap of 140ms in between strings that are spaced by less than 100ms

Example :

00:00:12,000 --> 00:00:16,500
In reaction to the newest set of documents now made public

00:00:16,500 --> 00:00:18,900


00:00:12,000 --> 00:00:16,360
In reaction to the newest set of documents now made public

00:00:16,500 --> 00:00:18,900
a contentious debate rages within capitals and cafes worldwide.

- by removing strings in the subtitle file that contain only periods (".").

- by removing commas at the end of strings, which is a requisite for English transcriptions, according to our guidelines.

Additionally, the script can strip timestamps from the subtitle file and present it in text format.